Even Pennywise's silliest part 1 line, " Here I am, wheezy," works, as it comes off like Pennywise is sadistically attempting to humiliate Eddie before he scares him. Stephen King’s novel It has received two popular adaptations since its publication in 1986.
In both the TV and theatrical versions, multiple actors have played It. The early scene between Pennywise and Georgie is deservedly iconic, and Curry commands the screen, with viewers unable to look away, even though they know it can't possibly end well for Georgie. Horror Every Actor To Play IT (Pennywise & All Forms) By Bradely Harding Published Stephen King’s novel It has had two adaptations since its 1986 publication. Curry's performance is sometimes oddly inviting but mostly utterly horrifying, especially when his razor-sharp teeth come out to play. Yet, all those flaws melt away instantly whenever Curry's Pennywise appears onscreen. Related: IT 1990 Originally Hired George Romero to Direct - Why He Quit
Its pacing is also iffy, and the format of every Losers' Club member getting their own act leads to the miniseries feeling more like a series of disconnected episodes than a cohesive whole. Like many TV movies of the time, IT looks pretty cheap, with flat lighting, bland cinematography, and some really subpar special effects work.

Whether or not one thinks Wallace succeeded in his narrative rescue attempt, IT part 1 is definitely the stronger of the two miniseries installments. Cohen while making only a few changes to part 1. In the 2017 film adaptation, It Chapter One and its 2019 sequel It Chapter Two, Pennywise is portrayed by Swedish actor Bill Skarsgrd. He later revealed on the IT DVD commentary track that he made lots of late rewrites to the original part 2 script by Lawrence D. Film and television In the 1990 miniseries, Pennywise is portrayed by English actor Tim Curry. Even director Tommy Lee Wallace, who also made the Michael Myers-less Halloween 3, believed that. Even by the biggest fans of the 1990 IT miniseries, it's commonly acknowledged that both parts are not created equal.